My Mother's Separation Of My Relationship With Alcohol

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Alcohol was an escape for my mother, and her addiction caused a separation between us. My mother has a low tolerance of alcohol and always pushed her limits, something I did not notice when I was young. My father was never a fan of her drinking excessively, which her sister also drank alcohol often. Unfortunately, my father passed away when I was seven. My mother did everything she could to be there for me, except when she turned her sadness to alcohol. She tried to fill the void of his loss by drinking. Her alcohol dependency continued after his death, but was not as common until the summer of 2013.
Two tragic events led my mother to the separation of our relationship by alcoholism. First, she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis after a series of losing her vision and muscular control. She was terrified and sad, which lead to her drinking. Not long after her diagnosis, her work closed the rehabilitation nurse unit where she was employed. One night she went out with her boyfriend, a man that has stayed around through our adversities. My mother was not coherent enough to see me sitting in the living room, absolutely petrified. Her boyfriend explained that she refused to stop drinking …show more content…

We made up, until a similar event happened a year later. I came home after swim practice to see my mothers legs laying on the ground. My first thought was that she had died, and that I was now an orphan. I walked into the kitchen to find the back of her head in our dog's water bowl, with the oven on as she was passed out on the ground. I checked her breathing and shook her awake with tears in my eyes afraid she was dying. She eventually woke up and I recognized the look of her being drunk and wanted to scream. I had to call her boyfriend to come help me get her into bed, as she couldn’t walk. It took us 20 minutes to get her into her room alone, and longer on to her bed. I cried the entire night, afraid of losing my mom to

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