My Last Duchess Relationships Quotes

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In the story , Macbeth, “Wuthering Heights”, and My Last Duchess the men want control over the women thats a reason why all relationships may not work. Relationships have been a part of this world since as far back as any human being can remember. Some may last for the rest of your life, other’s may last for a few months. They can be as sweet as candy , or very violent or harmful at times. In this case, i believe relationships will not work . All women desire sovereignty over men. Macbeth decided to go forward with his plan to kill Duncan because Lady Macbeth talked him into it. This represents a bad relationship because she does not trust him and calls him names to gain control over him. “ Tis safer to be what which we destroy Than by destruction dwell in doubtful joy” (Shakespeare. 3.2.5-7) . She is saying if she gets exactly what she wants she’s happy. But if she’s not happy , She’ll rather die than live unhappy. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth represent a bad relationship because Lady Macbeth is abusive physically and mentally. Also she orders him to do things , she does not trust him by thinking he does not have courage. …show more content…

She flirts with every man that came around. The Duke loved her but she did not show any love towards him. She showed love towards other men. She never showed any sign of loyalty. A good relationship matters with commitment , she does not show any. His jealousy doesn’t have to be romantic attention it can be just any attention that’s why he’s jealous because he does not get any at all. He is to the point where is so jealous he can't even talk to her about the way he feels or the way she is

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