My Last Duchess Essay

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My Last Duchess (1842), by Robert Browning uses a renaissance context to comment on the Victorian period and convey societal issues of the time. Through the use of a temporal setting and by writing in a different context, Browning criticises society in the time of the Victorian era and addresses crucial ideas, surrounding men, women, pride and jealousy and challenges these conventions of society.

The notion of the objectification of women and regarding women as possessions not people is a key idea presented in My Last Duchess. In the poem, the Duke’s objectification of his dead wife is a vehicle which the notion is displayed. The use of the Duke’s directive dialogue, “Will’t you please sit and look at her”, highlights how he treats his wife, through her painting, as a …show more content…

The egotistical dialogue, “E’en then would be some stooping”, shows the Duke’s belief that he does not have to explain himself to his wife, as that would be beneath him. This displays the arrogant nature of the Duke, implying he is above women and is superior, accentuating his insensitivity and pride, as he perceives his wife to be below him. The use of personal pronouns, “I” highlights the high opinion the Duke has of himself and extends the arrogance of the Duke and communicates to the audience the egotistical nature of the aristocracy, implying they are focused only on themselves. Additionally, “my gift of a nine-hundred year old name”, highlights the arrogance of the aristocracy, as it demonstrates the Duke’s belief that the wealth and aristocracy he has given his wife is a gift which she should treasure. The use of the word “gift” suggests that wealth is of great importance and privilege, conveying the pride and arrogance of the aristocracy, as they place themselves above the

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