My Identity In A Socio-Economic Class

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The one identity that I think of least often is age. Age, for most of the time, does shape the characteristic of a person, which lead to the fact that most of people tend to make friends of their age. But in my opinion, age is not a barrier preventing us from making friends. People can have close friend who share many things in common even if they are not the same age. My parents made me going to school a little bit earlier than other people. The friends I have and the people I met every day are usually older than me. In high school, there are even times when I took the same class with people who is about six years older than me. Thus, when I always interact with people older than me, I will become more mature. So, I always believe age is one …show more content…

This is an identity that is not a predestined identity like race or gender. People can change their socio-economic class by luck or hard work. The one reason that I am want to learn more about this identity is that for students, this identity is a question mark. We don’t know what we could be doing after four years of college. We could be running huge company or fighting hard just to earn a low fixed income. There are so many variables that could factor into one’s future, and all we could do is work hard and hope that everything will turn out to be what we …show more content…

Diversity certainly matters on college campus. The purpose of going to college is to prepare students for successful careers and lives. College is not a shelter that protects students from the cruel world. Students can hardly settle in this simulated society for their whole life. Sooner or later, they would have to face the reality. Thus, it is rather important to make college experience parallel to the real

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