My Grandmother Had One Good Seed Poem Analysis

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In all three poems, ‘My Grandmother Had One Good Coat’ written by poet Tony Medina, ‘Seeds’, which was written by poet Javaka Steptoe, and ‘The Farmer’, which was written by poet Carole Boston Weatherford, there is a general theme that you can relate to the moral of the story. The developed theme is to build a kind/giving legacy, the family values that are passed down, to give to your children and others who matter. There are also contrasting elements that are different between each poem. To start off, all three poems are about an adult and a child, for example, in ‘Seeds’ the child is giving advice to the parent. In ‘The Farmer, the child thinks about his stern pa. Again, in the poem about the coat, the child talks to the adult and gets help. Another relative component is that the speaker is the child in each poem. ‘The Farmer’ and ‘My Grandmother Had One Good Coat’ each have parts that are …show more content…

But, it is at least in one way alike. When comparing ‘My Grandmother Had One Good Coat’ to ‘Seeds’, what stands out is that they are both about setting a good example. In ‘Seeds’ the hidden message is to do good because, for better or worse, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree; meaning the child grows up by what the parent says, and that the parent should be cautious of what they say because the child might grow up like that. “I listened and ate the words you said to grow up strong. Like the trees, I grew, branches, leaves, flowers, and then the fruit.” It is also similar to the other poems because it shows an example. Although it is slightly hidden, the example in ‘Seeds’ is of the poet and his experiences in life. On the other hand, ‘Seeds’ is unlike the other poems because it talks about not what they do, but what they say. It talks about the words and how the child ‘eats’ the words and grows up by them. In the writing “I became the words I ate in you” Each other poem, the child grows up by what the parent

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