My Favorite Day At School

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“Goodbye my munchkin, and don’t forget to take your lunch box with you.” Shouted my mom, as I closed the door and went off to school. School is my favorite place on earth. It is where I shine, sparkle, and show the world that I can achieve something and aspire to be someone. It makes me feel unique, as I am a person who abominates the feeling of being a mundane girl. I simply smile whenever I reach school, but for the last three months things have been different. I don’t smile anymore.

It has been three months since my dad became unemployed and ever since then, things have been going downhill. First, we couldn’t renew our TV subscription, we stopped having internet, and if I thought that was bad, I didn’t know it could get worse. Soon, we were eating tinned food and I had to be extra careful with my clothes because we did not have detergent. While I was lost in my thought, Mrs. Yeri, our principal; stopped me with “Hello Nari, good morning. I would like you to remind your parents that if they don’t provide the school fees by the end of this week, I am afraid I can’t let you come to class!’ and she gave me her smile that is anything but sincere. I came back home from school that day, and as I opened the door, My dad was sitting there in the dinner table looking all tired and worn out, busy …show more content…

Every day we are exposed to getting attacked by those rich young people, as they look down on us. In addition to other homeless children who are uncivilized. Bong-Cha is constantly crying, which grabs the attention towards us. I was shocked at how cruel the society is. “Poor them, I bet there parents are suffering from drug problems,” is what adults would say and “OMG, they look so dirty!” is what children would say as they pass by us. At night my parents would come disappointed. No one would employ them since we are homeless

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