My Father Is Dying By Rick Bragg

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The first few pages of the book was filled with imagery, the author gave vivid descriptions of Alabama. I really liked the first person narration because it gave a lot of details and emotions as the author experienced them. Rick Bragg the author and protagonist of this novel, starts the story with his feelings towards his father who is dying. These passages provided background information and history about his father. A theme that I noticed a lot in this book was sacrifice, Margaret Bragg, a mother of three, abandoned by her husband tried to raise the kids. I admired Margaret Bragg because she was selfless and caring. Margaret Bragg waited till the boys finished their meals to eat the leftovers, went without a new pair of shoes or clothes so …show more content…

While his father on the other hand, always managed to look good and show pride. I think Rick admired his mother and feared of becoming like his father. Rick's childhood always depended on others, when his dad abandoned them they always had family- aunts, uncles, and grandparents at their aid. This showed me the value of family but made me wonder what would have happened if they didn’t have a family to rely on? Rick was thankful and lived a happy life despite being poor, until one of his girlfriend breaks up with him for being poor, then he starts to see the truth and realize that even if he doesn’t think or show himself as the poor the truth is that he is. He makes a point and says that being poor might not seem that bad or the job they do for money might not seem bad to others who have never experienced poverty. I found this novel to be historically accurate and gave a depiction what life must have been during that time period. This novel revealed the conditions and social status during the civil rights movement. Rick constantly refers to how his mother wore clothes like the blacks and worked in cotton plantations which were known to be a black person’s

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