My Experience at Challenge Day

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My experience at Challenge Day allowed me to realize how many of my peers live their life in pain and grief and how youth hide their true feelings with fake images they make of themselves. Challenge Day is a day full of fun, leadership, and power that can change the way youth view one another. The goal of the event is to stop the teasing, violence, and isolation that is a part of the school experience for young people. I attended this event on November 6, 2013. Since it was cold and miserable in the morning, I was not looking forward for this function. Before the event, my friends had warned me that I would leave with tears in my eyes and as a whole new person; I was determined that I would not turn weak and I would definitely not cry in front of other students.

As I stepped off the bus, realization hit me in the face; a whole day off and I was at school instead of sleeping in and relaxing. “Lets just get this over with”, I thought with a yawn. Waiting for a hour in front of the gym for the doors to open at Invergarry Adult Education Center was definitely not described on the trip permission form. While waiting for the doors to open, the student monitors helped kill the boredom with little games such as, Simon Says, Cops and Robbers, and Red Rover. Finally at nine, the gym doors opened with a bang. “Here goes nothing”,was the first thought that entered my mind. Cautiously, the student monitors led the way through the doors. Hesitantly, we followed their footsteps. As the students and I entered through the gym doors, the teachers cheered and applauded for us. This act of kindness put a enormous smile on my face, as I hurried along the row of chairs to find a seat with my friends.

Before long, the whispers and murmu...

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...he first time in high school, I felt as if I was important and felt that their were individuals who cared for me. All of the students in our school united with one another and truly realized that all of us are only humans. All of us became our own “family” and accepted each other for who we truly are, human beings, not robots. The next morning, I saw many students embracing and apologizing for past problems. I was fortunate enough to be a part of this life changing event which is such a great force for positive change in the world. The self doubt and pain that existed in me, seemed to vanish and I found a reason to be pleased with my life, for once. My experience at Challenge Day taught me a variety of lessons revolving around my personality and how youth suffer through pain in these rough years and I am truly pleased that I was able to attend such an amazing event.

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