My Experience: Why I Volunteer At Warsaw Community Church

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Each day we all experience things that are extraordinary and sometimes unforgettable. Yet it's how we let those experiences impact us individually that makes us each unique. One experience in my life that changed how I acted, thought, and felt was the first time I volunteered at my church during their summer “scamp” sessions. This experience occurred when the year round volunteers would be able to serve if they wanted, but also have the ability to take a vacation and enjoy the church's service. Although life offers a multitude of life changing experiences, serving at Mecklenburg Community Church is the greatest experience because I have gained connections in my community, learned strong leadership skills and being able to apply lessons to my …show more content…

As I walked into the doors at Mecklenburg and was immediately surrounded by a group of people both my age and older who were ready to serve with an open heart. I gained my skills of leadership instantly when I went to my first volunteer service at Meck. My team leader instantly saw potential and total faith in me and assigned me with the tasks of leading one of our weekly games and later a small group of kids. Throughout my first service the kids constantly wanted to be holding my hand while we were worshiping to wanting to sit in my lap during our bible story for the week, which was when Jesus came to his people and began to wash their feet. Then my first role started, for the game of the week that connected with our bible story was a game where the kids learned to clean feet. In this easy seeming game the kids interacted in a visual as to what jesus did to help the people in John 13:14. The task was simple they dirtied my feet then got to wipe them clean, and I realized this game taught both the kids ( or them ) and me how God helped people in such a little way. I also had the responsibility of making the experience fun and also informational when learning about God. Hearing the kids giggle and laugh at the fact that I was covered in oil pastels made me feel a indescribable emotion unlike any other. This moment was also when I realized the responsibility that I had in the church, which was allowing the kids to have a memorable time and also at the same time learn stories about god. Seeing the kids so happy made me feel that I should become more involved in the ministry and start to build personally connections with each kid. After serving at multiple services over the summer I became a regular volunteer. My group leader in the fours and fives group began to give me more responsibilities from leading my small group to taking almost full

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