My Experience As A Physician Assistant

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“165 over 90!” the doctor said shockingly as he read the blood pressure monitor. My head was throbbing, and all I could remember was being rushed to CAT scan. Sweat was running down my head, I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest. “What am I doing here, will I be ok?” were the thoughts going through my mind. Like many other healthy teenage athletes, I was not prepared to face my early mortality when I was told that I had high blood pressure and had to spend over a week in the hospital when I was fifteen. During my stay, the physicians put me through a barrage of diagnostic studies to determine the cause of my hypertension. I started to wonder if my life and football career were over. My anxiety began to subside after I was introduced to the Physician Assistant (PA) who took care of me. She explained the different …show more content…

John had end stage dementia and enjoyed roaming the halls, seemingly without direction. Because of his increased risk for falls, it was my responsibility to ensure that he, as well as the 18 other patients on my floor, remained safe. Who started as one of my more frustrating patients eventually became my most rewarding. Through patience and observation, eventually I learned to discern John’s basic needs and how to best keep him safe and cared for. As a CNA, I help patients cope with their condition. I am ready to be the one who helps treat the condition so patients can get back to their normal lives as much as possible. My dream is to build memorable relationships with my patients while being able to take care of their needs medically and emotionally. I desire a wide range of knowledge in medicine that will allow me to take accurate histories and formulate treatment plans with the Physician that will enable us to successfully treat our patients. Becoming a Physician Assistant will fulfill my

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