My experience as the facilitator was at first never racking and hard to deal with. Therefore, my underlying goal was to focus on the here and now and how I would be able to utilize what I have learned in class. When we recorded the video in our class with Brittney we talk about the circle of casualty. In other words I was able to properly identify the patterns in her behavior when communicating with her husband, and how both fall into the same patterns and caused there to be and endless circle. Furthermore, I was able to use some of the language we talk about in class. For example “What I am picking up on is? “, “Is that correct?” and so for. By doing this she was able to provide me with a more in depth response to her conflicts. Some other
I am thankful that I had this experience. What I found in watching the video, was that I need to work on my speaking ability. Fewer giggles, an increased grasp of words, and working on leading students to correct answers through asking the right questions. My strengths included beginning the session by introducing ourselves to each other and creating a welcoming environment. I intentionally worked to invite all the students by name to offer their opinion on the videos and stories. I deliberately incorporated the teaching methods that we were taught that Jesus used, beginning a lesson by first asking what your students already know or believe, then complimenting them on what they knew. This task I found to be difficult at times. I would catch myself saying, “no your wrong”, instead of finding a more politically correct way to acknowledge their
Session one began with me getting to know Jenna. However, this is not my regular student so I had to follow in the footsteps of the future teacher who was paired up with her. However I was able to give her my getting to know you activity as well has an informal assessment in order to gather an understanding of what math level she was at. After she answered questions from both the other future educator as well as my getting to know you activity, we began working on both of our pre assessments with her. It quickly became apparent that her biggest struggle was when it came to fractions. Every fraction question she had left unanswered. Additionally, she struggled with a few division problems and two digit multiplication problems. However, as a
Carl Rogers and Gloria 's session was a learning lesson and evidence that the developments in life overtime can have a direct impact on how we evolve as human beings. Various aspects, topics and behaviors that were viewed in this clip reminded me of scenarios that I see on a weekly basis. I myself have struggled with the fear of making the "wrong" decisions, I have seen relationships go astray due to inadequate trust, honesty, and transparency, and I have witnessed immature disagreements turn into full blown arguments and rage simply due to the absence of active listening and the list can go on. This session enabled the viewers the opportunity to see themselves from the client 's perspective which would involve seeing things through her eyes and trying to understand why she feels the way she does based off of signs such as both verbal and non-verbal communication, her diction, body language,
In this paper I will discuss how preceptors and educational leaders have contributed to my nursing career and many others. The mentors who have the most influence on nurses are those that stick with the nurses and help give them the motivation they need to move through obstacles. In the first few paragraphs, I will discuss my personal experience with a mentor and the characteristics they possessed that were beneficial to me. Mentors have become a great influence in my career and many others. In the last section of this paper, I will discuss some of my personal experiences in example and support why I value the characteristics by referring back to peer reviewed articles. Preceptors are essential and irreplaceable in the nursing profession and in this paper will describe how they are active in every nurse’s life and profession.
Every video I watched displayed tools that I could use in my own classroom. The instructional strategies and models used in the classrooms were great. My current teaching philosophy about instructional strategies and models would be that they are great to use. As a teacher, looking for ways to help teach certain lessons is a must. Every teacher found different ways to teach the materials to their students. It is always great to have resources in the classroom to look back on. Students love to have resources to guide them. In the video (Case #1112), I would emulate their strategy by letting my students use a textbook. I feel that textbooks are reliable sources and can be used to validate certain materials. In the video, you can tell that the students were using the textbook as a tool to prove their discussion with each other. In the video (Case #876), I would avoid assessing my students in whole-group discussion. I would have my student in groups to see how they communicate with each t=other about our discussion. Seeing my students evaluating each other’s opinions would be a great way into assessing their knowledge about the lesson. A classroom environment I would like to teach in would be with students who are ready to ask questions. Students who are not afraid to express their thoughts about the instruction. It would be easier for me to assess my students if that were
I sat with her every other day for the first four months of the past school year, and gave her specific expectations and examples to ensure extreme clarity. This teacher became one of our most requested staff members this year, due to her successful implementation and the step-by-step planning of the newly adopted Common Core State Standards. She truly respected the time that I took to work along her side, even though I hadn’t taught Language Arts or History at the Middle School level. The wealth of instructional strategies that I provided, alongside her content knowledge served her Steadiness Personality and Behavior style that is motivated by cooperation and sincere appreciation.
The facilitator’s perspective ties closely to that of the students. As outlined by Delcamp et al. (2017), facilitators obviously feel less than successful when students have to drop a class not because they could not understand the concepts but because of the ancillary reasons already mentioned. Other impacts on the facilitator’s perspective mentioned by Delcamp et al. (2017) is the class structure’s
The first student was Nathan, who struggled with phonemic awareness. I was interesting in seeing Nathan’s problems rhyming and how that was how his disability was diagnosed. His disabily was only seen in his written language and did not influence his communication skills. I thought that it was interested in hearing that a student’s avoidance of something that’s hard can be commonly mistaken for attentional issues. While I was watching the video I came up with ideas that I thought that the special education teacher should do with Nathan. Some of my ideas were for Nathan to work on
When I was teaching parenting classes, many of them opened up and told me their stories of why they were there. Most of the clients that received parenting classes are there because they are court ordered to do so. I believe that my personal qualities helped me when hearing their stories to see them as a person, and not judge them for why they were there. I know that with these qualities I was also able fully to engage and help the clients gain the skills for becoming the best parent they can be. I noticed that each client was comfortable to open up to me and fully embrace their session.
This course really opened my eyes to see how difficult it can truly be for those that are involved within an IEP, no only the student, but the parents as well as the advocates. This would have to be one of the first times I hurt for T as I realized how hard it must be for her as she is completing her academic assignments. When I first asked T if it would be okay for me to work alongside of her while I completed this project, she mentioned an insensitive tutor that compared her to “normal kids”. Possibly that tutor did not mean to sound that way, but I know that it must have hurt T to hear those words as it makes it seem like she is not normal. If T is not normal then what is she? This allowed me to see first hand that those who are involved
I was really nervous about doing this first practice recording. While I knew how I wanted to start the conversation, I was stressed out about the unknown that comes along with these sessions. I am constantly listening to my friends talk, but how I had to respond for the counseling session was very different than what I am typically used to. I usually give my friends my opinions and advice on how I would handle the situation. It was hard for me to just sit back and let my classmate talk. I wanted to respond to many of her statements, but I had to take a step back and really just listen. In these types of counseling sessions my thoughts and opinions are not important. Rather, the focus should only be on the person you are counseling.
I became interested in social work when my dear mother unexpectedly got sick, and the hospital diagnosed her with stage four cancer. The doctors told us she only had a few months to live. I decided against the nursing home option and instead brought my mom home from the hospital to take care of her by myself. The hospital and hospice helped me by sending the registered nurses, the home health care nurses and the social workers in my home to help me provide the best care for my ailing mother. Consequently, I devoted all my time to caring and helping my mom. This experience was my first encounter with a social worker in my life, and I was impressed by the social worker kindness, care and compassion. Immediately, after the passing of my mom, I decided to go back to school to study and work toward becoming a social worker myself.
Life gives each person different experiences that affect individual opportunities and future choices. My experiences have included sitting on both sides of the desk either seeking or providing assistance. I have chosen to use my experiences to help people to overcome their obstacles.
We spoke about the children in the classroom who have personalities and learning styles that are unique to them. Building a relationship with each child, gives her the opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge to create lesson plans that are relatable to their personalities and learning styles. Her association with the children impacts their feelings of safety and security which relates to their ability to interact and learn in the classroom. Another advantage my cooperating teacher spoke about is the fact she has known many of the children since they were babies. She has witnessed them grow, develop personalities, and learning
I obtained my Masters in Social Work (MSW) degree from India in the year 2006. As with most countries around the world, the emergence of social work in India was from charity aiming to eliminate poverty. Gradually it shifted from philanthropy to rights based approach and then to organized social work. Community organization surfaced as the most central method of social work practice along with practice of casework. Although social work is much more structured in nature now, it still operates along the conventional perspective of social work. Social work is not even recognized as a profession in India. An indicator of an occupation being publicly recognized as a profession is exhibited by