My Dream In Paulo Coelho's 'The Alchemist'

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It is like the magic performed to stupefy and walk us into a kaleidoscope of illusions. Except with a little variance in its achievement, emerge certain books creating their own magic.
Paulo Coelho writes about dreams, magic and the treasures composing life, in ‘The Alchemist.’ The Brazilian novelist has taken up a tremendous effort to guide us to the light which is just waiting to be seen and projected as a sole purpose of life. His life tells us about the boulders tumbling down, each boulder breaking and mending the road to his own ‘Personal Legend’. Paulo’s dreams of entering into an artistic career were frowned upon in his middle-class household. His true vocation of being a writer was met with suppression from his parents. Their failing efforts led them to believe he was …show more content…

His first book, The Pilgrimage was written after he had a spiritual awakening which he describes autobiographically in the book. In an interview, Coelho stated "I was very happy in the things I was doing. I was doing something that gave me food and water – to use the metaphor in "The Alchemist", I was working, I had a person whom I loved, I had money, but I was not fulfilling my dream. My dream was, and still is, to be a writer.”
Someone needed to tell us about magic. But magic is present everywhere and cannot be doubted. It is present in the rainbows that widen smiles, the wildflowers that enrich the air, the stars that fill the night sky with wonder. It is a simple and extraordinary part of the lives we live in. Magic is present in the dreams that bring forth possibilities.
Santiago differed from the usual type of shepherds who chose shepherding only because they believed fate offered it as their career path. Santiago was a shepherd boy because he chose to be so. He wanted to live by travelling and that is maybe why he was content with his sheep, his books, his regular

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