Biography Of Paulo Coelho

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Paulo Coelho is an author who was born in 1947 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He is most famous for his novel called The Alchemist. It was said that this book made him known to be as the cult hero. As a child growing up he was supposed to be an engineer because his father was. But Coelho did not want to be an engineer; he simply wanted to be a writer. His parents thought this was absurd and tried to convince him otherwise. When Paulo’s parent’s attempts to redirect his dream of writing failed, they thought he had a mental illness. So they had him confined to a psychiatric hospital and be treated with electro-shock therapy. His parents had him treated again when he got into a theater group. Fed up with his parents actions, Coelho then decides to leave home and get himself into even worse circumstances then ever. He dabbled himself into drugs and people that influenced him to be something that he is not. This was a very bad time for Coehlo. After time goes on Coehlo chooses to drop the hippie lifestyle and start writing again. He was a journalist, wrote comic strips, and was a lyricist for...

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