Multiculturalism In Criminal Justice System Essay

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Many of the issues have to do with the complete understanding of what multiculturalism entails. Since multiculturalism is the cohabitation of a group of different cultures (McCormick, 1984). Here in the United States, we attracted individuals' of all different race, religious, and color from all over the world. As a direct result of that this country demographics changes daily. (McCormick, 1984) These cultures can include racial, cultural groups and in many cases religious. (McCormick, 1984) These different groups can establish a routine of behaviors, values, patterns of thinking, cultural assumptions and communicative styles. (McCormick, 1984) The mixtures of the different cultures and race of individuals living together in peace and …show more content…

The only way changes can be made within our criminal justice system is that we the people must change first. (McNamara & Burns, 2009) Today’s criminal justice system is mostly composed of and influenced by individuals from various backgrounds, in which some are biased and some are unbiased. But, many of the problems are posed by the unbiased which can be addressed through greater professionalism in the criminal justice system. (McNamara & Burns, 2009) It is very important for those individuals especially law enforcement and courtroom personnel who are working within the criminal justice system understand the differences in multicultural and how it affects different people. (McNamara & Burns, 2009) When individuals from a different ethnic background become isolated from a system because of certain discrepancies allows that group of individuals’ disbeliefs to grow stronger within the system. (McNamara & Burns, 2009) For example, according to the American Bar Association, systemic racial disparities within communities with a heavy African American population have stated their distrust with and in the United States legal system. (Wooldredge,

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