Much Ado About Nothing Deception Analysis

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Deception is said to be the tool of villains to spread chaos, trouble, and unhappiness. Although, it’s also a tool used by friends to improve one another’s lives. Everyone from criminals and crooks, to nice lawyers and young daddy’s girls use deception as a tool for their advantage. Deception doesn’t come with a valid judgment to if it is bad or good, it’s neither absolutely good or absolutely bad. Whether if deception is okay or if it is not okay depends on the intentions of the ones who are deceiving, if the intentions of the one deceiving is to promote happiness, then the deceiver is a good friend and has good intentions, but if the deceiver intends to harm the one he is deceiving, then he has bad intentions and you should stay away from …show more content…

Deception has an enormous role to play considering the majority of the main characters go through it in some way making them either the victims of it, or the suspects of it. And it is because they are deceived that they act in the ways that they do, causing them to think it is appropriate to deceive others. Even though the initial act of deception is directed against Claudio in an attempt to destroy his relationship with Hero, it is the deceptions that are against Beatrice and Benedick that provides the play's dramatic focus. Nearly every single character in the play at some point has to make suggestions from what he or she sees, or has been spreading what they have been told or overheard. As a result many of the characters at some point plays a part of knowing that they are pretending to be what they are not. The idea of acting and the image it creates is not very often from that far from the surface for example Don Pedro acts to Hero, Don John acts the part of an honest friend, concerned for his brother's and Claudio's honour, this is wrong on so many levels you are betraying someone who thought you were there for their trust. Leonato and his family act as if Hero were dead, they were encouraged to this deception by the Friar who feels that this may be the way to get at the truth, and all the main characters think tha Benedick and Beatrice so convincing that they change their …show more content…

The whole joke of Don Pedro's plot depends on the assumption that the two are virtually irreconcilable to each other. In the end, deceit is neither purely positive nor purely negative: it is a means to an end. It is a way to create an illusion that helps one succeed socially. These examples of deception work particularly well to an observing audience. It is interesting to see how each character behaves or responds to the deception. The play is full of dramatic irony in that we know characters are being deceived while they do not know that they are being lied to. This is more entertaining in certain cases, such as with Benedick and Beatrice. Although it is rather annoying and ignorant when we see what happens to Hero as a result of bad hearted deception. We know she has been lied to, and we can only watch helplessly as the love between Claudio and Hero fades away. When filming different scenes concerning deception, such as the ones where people are wearing masks to conceal their identity, one must make it clear to the audience that a character is being deceived. It is crazy to think that someone could be fooled by just a mask, and so it is important that the whole event is believable. There are more things to consider when filming these scenes that are not too important to consider in a book, such as the positioning of characters. For example while eavesdropping Benedick needed to be in a place where he could

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