Mr Birling Responsible For Daisy's Death

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Priestley desires his audience to believe that Mr Birling is the most responsible for the death of Eva/Daisy's death as Mr. Birling is an austere man who ignores the needs of others to keep up profits and a good reputation. Birling perceives other people as "cheap labor." Mr Birling, a wealthy capitalist man, and a "rather portentous man," is an ignorant, over-confident, arrogant man who finds it difficult to think about other people. He doesn’t believe in "community and all that nonsense". Birling has a narrow perspective of the world and says that "a man has to make us own way". After Eva had lost her job, he expected her to fend for herself, which was an unfair judgement. Birling dismisses the idea of social responsibility and he calls people like the Inspector "cranks". Birling didn’t care about his workers and proudly says "I have a couple hundred workers under me, who keep changing," which further iterates the idea of him being arrogant and boastful. Instead of improving things for the workers who went on strike, he ensured that he …show more content…

and Mrs. Birling, feel ashamed and guilty of their actions and realise that their actions were unaccounted for. However Mr. Birling, being a selfish and self-centred man, feels no remorse or regret for his deed. In a nonchalant manner, he passes off the Inspector's visit as a "hoax" and regards it all as a joke instead of facing up to what he's done. Birling is shown to be someone who cares more about his reputation than anything else. Instead of helping his wife's situation, he thinks more about how "the Press might easily take it up-". He also hopes to hide the fact that Eric stole money: "I’ve got to cover this up as soon as I can." Birling wants to preserve his reputation and is paranoid about losing his titles as he fears that "there’ll be a public scandal". Birling doesn’t take responsibility for his wrongdoings and cares more about how he "was almost certain for a

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