Mozart Accomplishments

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One of the world's greatest musicians, Mozart was born January 27th, 1756 in Getreidegrasse, Austria to Leopold and Anna Maria Mozart. Born into a family of musicians, Mozart was able to sharpen and expand his talents beyond a single genre. He and his older sister were known as child prodigies. Mozart was actually successful at almost every genre in his time (Wallace 12). He excelled in creating symphonies, operas, chamber music, serenades, sonatas, and string quartets. Mozart is known as one of the most prolific composers, sometimes completing whole pieces in less than week. Having created well over 600 different and unique pieces of music, he is known as one of the most celebrated musicians in history. Listening to many of his works, its clear that he was part of the classical era. His work has recognizable melodies, clear and definite beginnings and endings, and is very clean and cut like most classical pieces ("Music History 102"). …show more content…

Wealthy aristocrats proclaimed the importance of art, music, and entertainment, often hiring composers and artists to create for unique pieces. His only teacher was also his father Leopard Mozart. Often forgotten in history Maria Anne, his sister, was a talented musician as well. Once his father had discovered Mozart’s talent, he went on to exploit him and his sister. This began his career traveling across Europe (Bio). At only 5 years old he could write small compositions and by his teens he had already composed operas and dozens of symphonies. He wrote his first opera at age 12 named Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebots, Part I. Maria Anne unfortunately was banned from playing music by the time she 18 because of her father's and society's view that women should not be employed once they reach a marriageable age. Mozart settled in Vienna in 1781 and became a freelance composer and

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