Graduation from high school is an exciting time because it marks the end of my childhood as well as a beginning into a new journey. I contemplate these past years with appreciating for all of the memories and life lessons made. I believe I learned a lot about what I want to do in the future; but the future is not completely certain and neither am I. I continuously admire my family, especially my parents, for all that they provide for me. Listening to stories from my family about when I was younger helped me realize how blessed I am to have them. I am grateful for the life I live and for those who are a part of it. As I reflect on my childhood, I begin to understand more about the type of person I’ve become and how my experiences shaped my personality. …show more content…
I can celebrate my achievements in school and my perseverance through whatever struggle or hardship that I faced. Looking back on my childhood is a way to recall all of the good memories, such as taking trips to Kealia beach with my family on the weekends. I celebrate moving towards the next steps of my life, while also acknowledging how everything will change. I know I will experience greater responsibilities, such as finding a job to support myself while continue school. This is the beginning of needing further independence from my parents and making important decisions by myself. I am fortunate to possess the advantages and opportunities that I enjoy as a teenager, and I hope to gain more life lessons and knowledge in my years to …show more content…
I recognize that achieving goals require discipline, consistency, and not letting other people bring in negativity. Also, accepting that not everyone can be pleased; It is not my place to be in a situation that is comfortable for others while it only limits and hinders my ability to strive for greatness. It has taken many years to understand these things and my intention is to be able to share these ideas with others. My younger siblings look up to me because I am the oldest; I hope to lead a good example and help them learn from my
When reading this book I began to think of how I grew up and how I am a
People say high school is supposed to be the golden years of your life. I don’t know what else in life is to come; however, my philosophy is to live in the moment and make the life you’re living in the present worthwhile into the future, not only for you but for those who surround you. I live my life participating in our community and getting involved in our school. The activities, and the people I’ve formed relationships with, are what have formed me into the person I am today. The person I am today is not perfect, but I have learned from the mistakes I’ve made.
When I look back at my childhood, I see it as a highly colored, exaggerated version of what it must have been. Everything seems brighter, and bigger than reality allows. It’s the ideal “child’s world,” full of Barbies, dress-up, and playgrounds. But, if I try hard enough, I can remember the feeling of being there. The feeling of being small, and nearly innocent. Most of the time when I think of my childhood, I look back on two specific years, kindergarten and first grade, and the summers before and after the two. Both of these took place in Schaumburg, Illinois, in a two-bedroom town-home that I still call “my old house” even though it’s not that anymore. I’m not sure if these are the years I simply remember the best, or if that was actually the time I felt most like a child. I had many friends, and we had plenty of time to play games and use our imaginations. Nevertheless, I don’t usually reminisce about the shows and movies that I used to watch, and certainly not how these things affected me growing up. When prompted, however, I can remember specifics. I even begin to see how visual texts, like The Little Mermaid and Full House, have influenced me throughout my life and especially in my childhood. I have felt the impact of these things in my life as recently as this year, and I can see not only how the shows I watched influenced my behavior, but also that I chose to watch shows and movies that I thought were representative of me.
My childhood was somewhat gloomy due to an alcoholic father; verbal and physical abuse was part of my upbringing. An event that I remember that shaped my life was when I failed the first grade. As a child I could perceive it, and these events helped to reinforce and mold future behaviors. During my teenage years I had much difficulty with love relationships even at times having inferiority complex after a breakup.
During my years in high school, I have learned many valuable lessons. I’m proud of the person I am becoming. Life has not been easy, but thankfully I’m a strong hard worker. I started high school with a high GPA, and never intended for it to drop throughout my years. Within the last three years, I’ve moved around, participated in sports, and got a job.
Do we ever think of past experiences or past events and wonder if they had any influence on our personalities? Whether or not that day affected the way that we are today? We are indeed most vulnerable to various impacts in our childhoods. In fact, Deborah Serani, Psychology Doctor said: “It can be argued that personality actually begins before birth, with each parent’s genetics influencing the development of temperament -- a behavioural response style. After birth, a child’s prewired temperament, personal, and social experiences will set the stage for personality development.” Until we are 7 years old, our personalities should be fairly developed. Everything that occurred throughout these years contributed to form our behaviours and reactions
As I look back on my life, I can see how a lot of certain events have shaped my life. Where it They helped me become more independent, have some of the greatest accomplishments, and understand the importance of living your own life.
All or most of us have gone through it. The countless hours we spent filling out college applications, scholarship applications, visiting colleges, and taking the dreaded tests. Whether it was the PSAT, SAT, ACT, or other college entrance exams, it was a big hassle. After visiting such a great number of colleges, the advantages and disadvantages of the schools seemed to run together in my mind. The endless paper work and deadlines seemed as though they would never end. When I thought about college, it seemed like it was not real, like it was a figment of my imagination. I imagined what it would be like, wondering where I would go. The questions of "What did I want to major in?" and after I decided that, "What schools had my major?" circled around in my head. When filling out questionnaires for college searches I was asked about what size college I preferred, whether I wanted to be in a rural or suburban area. Did I really know how to answer these questions that would so greatly affect the next four years of my life?
Life After High School I’ve just entered my senior year of high school. I know that this is a very important year. I have a lot of decisions to make and not much time to make them. These decisions will either make or break my life, and I want to make sure that I make them to the best of my ability, because there is no turning back. I need to make sure I definitely want to attend college.
Through out life people go through so many hardships. Whether it be good or bad there is always something that comes out of the situation. One of the most exciting but yet scariest events would be graduation. For a lot of people, graduating from high school is a goal. It takes a lot of time and effort to achieve that goal. In the long run, it opens a lot of opportunities for people to succeed. Graduation is the end of high school, and the beginning to life.
My senior year of high school…I want to enjoy people’s company, appreciate my family’s presence, and keep a permanent Polaroid of my “home town” etched in my memory. I have a purpose for the year, I know what I want to accomplish for the future, but I have to remember to make the most out of today because there may not always be a tomorrow.
This paper is supposed to be a reflection of my past and a glimpse into my future. I have a really hard time talking about my past because I don’t recall much of my child hood. I have managed to block out a lot of the memories the bad along with the good. I am not sure why but when I started blocking memories it also took the good along with the bad. So I will tell you what I can remember and what I have been told about my childhood. I will also tell you what my future holds for me and how I plan to reach that goal.
I strongly believe that everyone’s childhood is reflected in their adulthood. Wearing the same dress every day for a year and being born a stubborn child has molded me into the young woman I am today. Talking a lot and taking in what I learn has helped to develop strong opinions and morals that help me in making decisions every day. I am proud of who I am and where I come from.
For most people their graduation day is one of the best days of their lives. No more high school, and for some it means that they are now able to move out on their own and embark on the independent journey of college. In my case my graduation day started out to be a great day but turned out to be one of the worst. It is almost as if I wish I never had a ceremony. If there wasn't graduation ceremony there wouldn't have been an accident.
Graduation was the most important day in my life. I waited for this amazing day for twelve years to reach my dream and move on to college. For most people, graduation is a memorable day. It is hard for me to forget it even after a hundred years. The day I woke up realizing it was my graduation day, I was smiling all day long knowing that I had made my family proud of me. I remember everything about my graduation day: my party, cake, dress, makeup, hair, cap and gown, and the gifts I got from family and friends.