Mountain Dew Case Study

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It is important for any business to behave ethically. Marketers have to be extra careful because they are in a way the face of a company. Acting unethically, affects not only the organization but also the customer, employees and other stakeholders. Marketers should abide by the American Marketing Association’s Code of Ethics which are honesty, responsibility, respect, fairness and citizenship. One example of unethical behavior that is often seen in marketing is misleading consumers by using false advertising or providing inaccurate information.
When it comes to marketing the line between what is ethical and what is not can easily be blurred. Advertisers have to walk a fine line between promoting their product and providing misleading …show more content…

Its unique overly sweet taste paired with its neon yellow coloring makes it stand out from the crowd. Mountain Dew appeals to a wide range of consumers especially those that would like an extra energy boost. The Mountain Dew name is highly recognizable and customers know exactly what to expect when purchasing the product. Further adding to Mountain Dew’s value is its price, Mountain Dew products are priced comparatively to other brands which allows them to stay competitive. Value is not the only factor that affects the customer purchasing decisions, how the product/brand is marketed overall, is very …show more content…

Examples of factors that affect a business’s buying decisions are economic conditions, regulations, government policies and the social environment. Businesses must also stay ahead of the competition, this can be done through product development, utilizing new technologies or even partnering with established brands. One way in which marketers can encourage a business to purchase a particular brand/ service is to offer some sort of partnership or sponsorship opportunity. A partnership between a business and community organization can benefit both

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