My Mother's Worldview

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Two people who have influenced me and my worldview are my mother and father. To begin, my mother’s worldview is very inconsistent, but in a good way. She is very open to ideas and thoughts, so her worldview is always changing when she learns something new and likes the idea of it better than her last belief. For example, for a long time, my mother’s intuition was to be against the idea of legalizing marijuana in Washington state. But as she learned more empirical information, she was able to realize that it would actually be a good thing to happen. What makes me draw the conclusion of my mother’s worldview being this way, is because of the life she has been through. She first was baptized into the catholic church and was raised up in it. Then …show more content…

She underwent a paradigm shift in her teenage years to her early twenties by being a part of the catholic culture and then leaving that to be a part of the Later Day Saint culture. Through the years, her worldview has changed slightly in different areas because she is always integrating new information and ideas into it. While her worldview began as a straightforward and strict one, she has turned it into more of an equalitarian worldview. She has influenced me by showing that there is always room for a new idea or concept to be introduced into my worldview, even if I do not agree with it. She has also shown me that through epistemology I can look at someone else’s worldview and use logical thinking, looking at the real facts, using my own intuition, and looking at different parts of authority to see if it relates to me better than the worldview that I currently believe in. While I still hold on to core beliefs in my worldview that I have grown up with, she has helped me find others to add to …show more content…

He was born into the Mormon church, and so all of his life he has had worldviews that are very innate, due to his immediate family all being church members. His worldviews have changed over time, but not drastically like my mothers have. In class, we discussed how a worldview can be reinforced by one’s culture and that perfectly explains my father. He has been extremely religious all of his life, and so his worldviews don’t change much due to the culture he has been brought up in. The Latter Day Saint’s values have barely changed since the church was first established, but they have managed to integrate new information into the culture of their worldview to keep up with the times. This makes it so people who are a part of the church are heavily influenced by authority, and do not sway from what they know, even when it it contradicts most people’s worldviews. My father’s worldviews have influenced me by being the core ideas that I hold on to in life. For example, because my father is a Latter Day Saint, I was also baptized into the church. Since coming to whit worth, I do not attend the Mormon church as much as I did when I was around him. But every day, I still read my Book of Mormon and Bible. I also refrain from dressing immodestly, try to refrain from inappropriate language, and try my best to be friendly to everyone. To conclude, my father’s worldview has also taught me that if I believe in

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