Most Powerful Branch Of Government Essay

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Most Powerful Branch of Government
The United States Government is divided into three different branches, among these the most powerful, the Legislative branch. Even though all the three branches, the Legislative, the Judicial and the Executive branch are supposed to have equal power, I consider that the Legislative branch has the most power of all three. The legislative branch consists of congress which is divided into two chambers, the Senate and the House of Representatives. As envisioned by the framers, “The House of Representatives was intended to be truly representative of all the people” (Barbour and Wright, 58). All the decisions made in Congress are influenced by citizens and are made for the common good of every citizen. The legislative …show more content…

Laws are written, discussed and voted on in congress, it basically lays down government policies. The making of laws is a very essential element for our society to function properly. The laws are made for the whole society to follow; they are made for the people. As stated by Barbour and wright, members of Congress “represent many different Americans with varied interests and goals” (217). The process of creating a law takes into consideration the voice of citizens. In other words, it represents society, “those we elect should represent or look out for, our local interests and carry out our will” (Barbour and Wright, 186). This means that Congress has the job to determine how a certain law will affect or benefit members of society. Without written laws our society wouldn’t be able to function effectively as each of us would be doing whatever we pleased. The world would go out of control and there wouldn’t be regulations on anything. People would commit murders, torture, violent acts and nobody would get punish. Congress has the authority to develop laws or to stop them from being …show more content…

All these powers that Congress has are of great importance for the economy. The money from taxes is used for the benefit of all citizens; it helps provide public services to all individuals. As specified by Barbour and Wright, Congress “has the power to provide for economic infrastructure” (192). This means that the money from taxes is used for the public; it is used for the police and fire protection, to build schools, to maintain roads, etc. The ability of Congress to coin money it’s also important because it ensures that all the states use the same type of dollar bills and thus helps maintain a stable economy. The Legislative branch is given the exclusive power to raise and spend money for the

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