Most Common HIPAA Violations

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Take Action to Avoid The Most Common HIPAA Violations
The article discusses the factors to be considered in the awareness of protected health information (PHI) under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to avoid violations. It states the various cases and offenses which are frequently encountered which includes the violation in privacy law and security of the patient's personal information. It also mentions the significant of setting-up a password-protected account to prevent unauthorized personnel from gaining access. More than half of the cases in this article are very avoidable just by simply watching what you say. One wrong word could have you without a job.

In this article, it states a lot of ways people get caught getting in trouble or bad situations with violating the HIPAA laws. What i found very striking while reading this article is that you don’t even mean to …show more content…

It seems in my eyes that it's very easy too and i just want to know how much as i can to not end up in a situation to where i end up losing my job because of something minor i said or didn't mean too. There are positive and negative to HIPAA. Positive: protects your records, makes sure no one gets away with anything that is violating your records. Negative: just one wrong move, you could be losing your job, a lot of rules behind it so hard to not mess up on accidently. I personally think it's great for the community but i bet others think otherwise also.

My reflection is to learn from this article and apply what i read to the real world when i become apart of the healthcare field and to summarize this article, let me just say don't violate HIPAA. It's not something you want to deal with, its difficult and not good for you and your career if you do

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