Moral Order in Franklin Roosevelt's Message to the Congress

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Moral Order in Franklin Roosevelt's Message to the Congress In Franklin Delano Roosevelt's message to the congress on January 6, 1941, he spoke of many new ideas to deal with the controversial issues that were occurring in the world. In his address, F.D.R. spoke of a new order to deal with the actions that were occurring in other continents of the world. The "moral order" that he proposed to these men and women was his way of dealing with the dictators in foreign countries. The foreign dictators had their "new order" and Roosevelt was coming back with his "moral order" in contrast to these dictators. There were many important differences between these orders, yet to discuss these differences one must understand what each leader is striving for and examine what each new order exactly means. What did each dictator of Germany and Japan propose in their new orders? How did Roosevelt plan to deal with these orders with his "moral order", and was he sure that his plan was going to help the United States from getting too far away from their original isolated position that they once sat in? It is obviously disturbing to sit and read what a man like Adolf Hitler would write about as he sat in his jail cell. The scary part was the number of people he had following to believe that his order was so right for their quest for a Great Germany. Upon his exit of his jail term in December of 1924, he then proposed his twenty-five points, along with the National Socialist German Workers' Party that he created ( a.k.a. Nazi), where he announced this program to the world. This obviously to cause a stir in the United States. In his order was his obvious statement for his hatred of Jews and his ideas in making the world ... ... middle of paper ... ... ways that the leaders of all countries were thinking. It is interesting to observe the different ways that the two dictators had such power within their countries that they reigned over. Many might feel that it was wrong of Franklin Roosevelt to propose his moral order after the United States had been isolated from foreign affairs for so long. However it is clear to see that the events that were occurring in other parts of the world at that time were so closely related to the wellbeing of our own country, that it was vital the United States was prepared and willing to fight off any country that was coming to threaten our status as a democracy. World War II was an unfortunate war that seems to be so easily prevented if only there was less ignorance in dictators' minds and more cooperation and alliances between countries.

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