Monologue From Frankenstein

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The tell of the hideous monster. Once there was a scientist name was Frankie. He created me he took parts from the grave and gave me hair that was black, clothes that was to small for me because of my size. Frankie had to sew me some clothes something that will suit me. I rose up and started to look at myself. I was wondering to myself how I work the sticks on me. He was telling me everything was ok, but I couldn't understand him. Day by day he was teaching me. I continued to get better. He had left me everyday at the lab and I wonder why he didn't take me with him. The next day, I asked him why does he leave me here by myself. Frankie answered, "If you go out to the world they might except you as you are, they will see you as a monster." Frankie said, "You shall never go out there." …show more content…

I layed down fell asleep.Then the next day I thought about it and then a couple days passed it kelp bothering me because I was bored to stay in a dirty lab with guts. Same old same old Frankie had left so, I just sneaked outside and followed him to the village. I know that I am hard headed and shouldn't of went. I had arrived at the village. I saw people I didn't know how to greet them, so I went away and went to find shelter for me to stay. What I didn't know is that a little boy saw me and followed me.I stayed in this old barn that looked like nobody ever been in it for years. Then I heard a little boy come in I hid. He told me it was ok and he wanted to be my friend. Few weeks went by and the little boys parents became suspicious and followed him. They had seen the hideous monster of all and gathered all the people in the

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