Monologue About Relationships

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Thursday November 27, 2014 Today is Thanksgiving and I feel empty. I feel like my relationship with Jeshua is going through a little rough patch. I want romance but work is getting in the way of that. I miss what we were the week of the honeymoon when he laid rose petals all over the bed, we drank wine, and had the time of our lives. I don’t blame him though I get mad at him for not being romantic. I feel like I am the only one putting the romance in this relationship. My body hurts with sadness. I believe that I might have anger issues. Jeshua gets under my skin so easily even when he is joking, I get so mad. Today he told me that I was acting like a nagging wife. I don’t think he has ever looked at me that way before. The reason he said that was because I wanted to leave early to go to Black Friday and he still was not showered and did not …show more content…

I don’t know why it made me so angry that he wasn’t ready, it just did. I miss the guy that wanted romance. I am so excited to go to Texas in a few days though. I feel like getting a break he might miss me, because I miss him. Although we have sex all the time I don’t feel as connected as I think we should be. Is my body supposed to hurt when I think about Jeshua? I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. I can’t bear the thought of ever losing him. I am going to work on myself and my anger. Another reason that I think I get so mad is because I am so used to getting my way with him. I am so used to always having his undivided attention and now that I am competing with his job it just depresses me more. I miss smiling. I can’t wait to move back to Texas. I really hope that things get better. Well I guess I should have dated this journal for the 28th because it is 1:48am. I guess I should really get some sleep but I can’t help but watching Jeshua sleep. Oh and he hasn’t had a dream since we have been married. I guess I should research why he doesn’t dream anymore. He

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