Monkeypox Assignment

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Monkeypox virus is a double-stranded DNA virus. It is a member of the genus Orthopoxvirus and the family Poxviridae. This family also includes variola virus, the causative agent of smallpox, as well as cowpox virus, and vaccinia virus. Humans are not generally the primary host for any member of the Poxviridae family, though the variola virus was devastating to the human population (Likos et al., 2005).
The first cases of human infections were reported in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1970. Since 1970, there have been over 400 cases of human infection in Central Africa. In Western Africa, Monkeypox has been reported also been reported. The monkeypox strain isolated from Western Africa, however, is less severe in terms of both morbidity and mortality. This means that the Western African strain of Monkeypox virus causes fewer fatalities and is less likely to be transmitted from one human to another horizontally (Shchelkunov, 2013). In 2003, there was an outbreak of monkeypox in the United States. There were 37 reported cases of monkeypox in this outbreak, and all of the cases were linked to pet prairie dogs that came from Western Africa. Since this outbreak, there has been a trade embargo on the importation of several species of Western African rodents, including the prairie dog, to prevent another outbreak such as this from occurring (Shchelkunov, 2013).
The genome of Monkeypox virus is double-stranded DNA and consists of about 196,858 base pairs. With these base pairs, there are about 190 open reading frames. Most of the genes encoded allow Monkeypox virus to down-regulate the cellular immune responses. This generally occurs for cellular process such as ion channels that allow the cells of multicellular organi...

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...e Orthopoxvirus genus. It is generally thought to be the parental virus of the modern genus, since it also contains all of the genes that can be found in other species of this genus. It is thought that reductive evolution occurred causing some viruses, such as the variola virus, to narrow their host range. This leads to a marked increase in both morbidity and mortality. Monkeypox virus is of particular interest because it can infect a wide range of reservoirs as well as humans. Since it has a longer genome than the Variola virus it is under surveillance. Additionally, due to its similarities to Variola virus, Monkeypox virus has the potential to be used for bioterrorism. This could potentially be devastating, since the disease has a 10% fatality rate, and most of the population is not currently vaccinated against this emerging disease (Shchelkunov, 2013).

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