Mommy's Monologue

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Freezing time and unfreezing time give Ben a splitting headache. Ben decide to take a short nap before he over exhaust himself, but he need to test out his newfound ability later. For now, some rest is a good idea. He closes his eyes and calmly relax himself to sleep, but it didn't take long for his older sister to barge into his room.

It's barely thirty minute of Ben's nap and he woke up startle. He adjusts his eyes to see his sister's angry expression.

"Ben! You're a disgusting pervert! I know you took my panties, where the fuck is it?" Hope yells out in demand.

"Hope, I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't stolen your panties since I was twelve years old. Besides, I was curious at that age." Ben weakly reply.

"Yeah right little …show more content…

I'm having my son's baby." Tracy scream out and smile. She gently kiss him on the cheek and softly whisper in his ears. "Thank you for using mommy's body inappropriately and carelessly knocking me up. My daily life will be hectic with another child to raise. As a single mother, I'll be depress for very long time."

His mother's programming has ended and she blankly stares expressionless with no smile.

Been kiss his mother and test another experiment. He places his hands on his mother's flat stomach and fast-forward her pregnancy 2 1/2 weeks. He neatly dresses his mother and unfreeze time.

Tracy continues her lecture. "Seriously Ben, you're not a child anymore. If it's really that important, you can use the bus..." In the middle of her lecture, she feel extreme nausea. Tracy got off the sofa and rush towards the restroom to puke.

Blarghhh "Why do I feel so Blarghhhhh sick all of a sudden. I cant be pregnant?" She calmly reason with herself. "That's silly of me to jump into that conclusion. I'm not even dating anyone, but Oh god -my stomach.!" Blarghhhhhh...

Ben presses his's ears against the restroom door to listen in on his mother's misery and smile. "Thank you for telling me the honest truth, you definitely did end up pregnant. I can't help myself, I want out first time to be special and filling you up was kinda

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