Modern Music: Destroying Values and Culture

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The idea that music does not directly affect the youth and culture of today is farcical, music has been the foundation of human civilization since the time of the cavemen. As long as there have been stories to share and cultures to pass down there has been music. While music was once a way to preserve that culture of a people, today it is paving the way to the destruction of modern values and culture.
“In our amusement obsessed culture much of our lives is spent in the pursuit of the next big media ‘thrill’” (Bass 1) and the most popular “thrill” currently being fed to the masses by the way of music is promiscuity. That is, the act of having sexual relations with more than one partner. While America and the world as a whole are suffering from this push of promiscuity, the group most impacted by the increased sexuality in music is today’s “young people who are steeped in the rock culture” (Bass 2). Everything people surround themselves has an impact on who they become; this is especially true for teenagers who are still in the developmental stage. Teenagers listen to specific genres of music for a multitude of different reasons, the most prevalent being social conformity. Teenagers need to feel like they belong to a group and music allows them to feel important, to feel included. So they listen to this sexual, explicit music because their friends do and whether they realize it or not, this music affects their behavior. They listen to this music that objectifies sex as just an act. This music promotes and socially condones promiscuity. It is not only the words that are sexually explicit, “the sexuality of music is usually referred to in terms of its rhythm- it is the beat that commands a directly physical response” (Bass 1). Teenage...

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...s Cited

"Teens and HIV/AIDS Epidemic." Office of Adolescent Health. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 24 09 2013. Web. 5 Dec 2013. .
Bass, David. "Research Links Rock Music to Teen Promiscuity." Free Republic. 12 08 2006. Web. 4 Dec 2013. .
Edgar, Timothy, Seth Noar, et al. Communication Perspectives on HIV/AIDS for the 21st Century. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2008. 70. Print.
F, S. "How Our Generation’s Popular Music Fuels Promiscuity on the Dance Floor and in the Bedroom." Daily Nexus. 03 11 2010. Web. 4 Dec 2013. .
Thomas, R. Murray. Sex and the American Teenager. New York: Rowman and Littlefield Education, 2009. 154. Print.

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