Mobile Technology Advantages And Disadvantages

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We discussed earlier how doctors are able to explain and show you exactly what is wrong with you and be able to communicate with you around the world with mobile devices. Lets go into that subject a litter deeper now. Like explained earlier with multiple applications available provide a 3-D view of a human body. The healthcare professional is able to zoom in, and explain in detail what is happening to your body. Patients located in the state of Ohio would be able to communicate securely with a nurse, primary care doctor, or other specialty at the Cleveland Clinic using the tele-health technology service. No specific software or hardware is needed for this particular system. Only mobile devices and the MyCare Online app is needed to connect patients to a healthcare provider (Gruessner 2015). Cleveland Clinic is one of the leading hospitals to implement mobile technology in it’s entire healthcare system. This is incredibly important for patients who need to be able to contact a healthcare professional at anytime. Now that we know some of the key advantages, lets go into the key disadvantages. There are only a few disadvantages that I could find. They include security issues, battery life of the …show more content…

The growing use of mobile devices to communicate about patients increases the risk of HIPAA violations (Kusserow 2015). Lets take a look at The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. You may be asking yourself what does that act have to do with mobile devices. But because protected health information is stored and transmitted wirelessly HIPAA comes into play. Protected health information or PHI includes social security numbers, names, health insurance beneficiary numbers, and account numbers. These things are very important to each patient that is why it is important to protect it. With the right training by qualified personal, all of the PHI can be protected and used in the right

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