Mobile Phone Dependence

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Mobile phone use has increased drastically in the past ten years. The ages of mobile phone users range from five years old to about seventy-five. Different studies that have been conducted have recently shown mobile phone dependency around the world. Cell phones and high tech devices have managed to become an enormous part of society’s daily life, and society has developed an abnormal dependence on them. Regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, career or economic status, each member of society most likely uses or has used a cell phone. Observing the main reasons users use cell phones can help prove cell phone dependency. A study states “Researchers have investigated simple motives for mobile phone use, such as convenience, personal efficiency, and security, as well as complex reasons as information immediacy, contact-ability, social interaction, and social control” (Tian, Shi, and Yang 513). There are multiple complex reasons for the use of cell phones; however, some simple motives tend to outweigh the complex reasons for cell phone use. This being the case, cell phone use has become more of a personal delight instead of used for important circumstances. Cell phones are used in today’s society is for personal convenience. Today’s society values convenience. From going through a fast food drive-through to paying bills online, our society has become hooked on these convenient arrangements that make their daily lives easier. Convenience is valued and cell phones provide convenience in the daily lives of each user. If cell phones were suddenly taken away, our society would be lost until they found something new to take the place of their handy cell phones that make life easier. Cell phones are also used for a sense of secur... ... middle of paper ... ...e acceptable, however, if society loses his control over his time, health, and safety, cell phone dependence can lead to negative outcomes. Majority of society’s cell phones users use cell phones for personal convenience, security, and entertainment. Cell phones and high tech devices have managed to become an enormous part of society’s daily life, and society has developed an abnormal dependence on them. Works Cited Chóliz, M. “Mobile-Phone Addiction in Adolescence: The Test of Mobile Phone Dependence (TMD).” Progress in Health Sciences 2.1 (2012): 33-44. Academic Search Complete. Web. 19 Mar. 2014. Tian, Lei, Junqi Shi, and Zizhen Yang. “Why Does Half the World’s Population Have a Mobile Phone? An Examination of Consumers’ Attitudes Toward Mobile Phones.” Cyberpsychology & Behavior 12.5 (2009): 513-516. Academic Search Complete. Web. 19 Mar. 2014.

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