Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet In Heaven

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“We are all connected to everyone and everything in the universe. Therefore, everything one does as an individual affects the whole. All thoughts, words, images, prayers, blessings, and deeds are listened to by all that is.” Serge Kahili King, created this quote to come up with the principal that everyone around you is connected to you and to make a change in the world happening around you, you first must make a change deep down within yourself. King’s quote is related to Mitch Albom’s novel The Five People You Meet in Heaven. The novel tells a story of an elderly man named Eddie. Eddie believes that he lives a useless, meaningless life. Eddie soon realizes that he was brought on to this earth for a reason just like everyone else; all people …show more content…

Eddie, throughout the novel, strives to find meaning of his life. He wants to know the importance of his place on earth, but he just never seems to go deep enough to find out why or what. For example, when Eddie constantly questions himself for never leaving Ruby Pier. Eddie goes on to meet his five people in heaven where he begins to see that there's so much more to life than what he believes. He realizes the attractiveness of the many moments and relationships that have taken place in his life even th ones that didn't seem that important to Eddie at the time. What a Wonderful World is a song by Louis Armstrong that relates to The Five People You Meet in Heaven. Both the song and the book have a strong sense of what it means to truly take in and be grateful for even the most minescule events that happen in ones life. Another song that is related to the novel is Don't Stop Believing by Journey. The lyrics from the song translate to tell that life may not always go as planned and there may be some bumps in the road, however everyone has to keep in mind what motivated them to get them to where they are right now. It's important to remember the feeling of not only satisfication but also happiness when trying to revive those feelings in times of

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