Misguided Romeo And Juliet Research Paper

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Misguided Romeo and His Not So Blind Love The idea of Romeo and Juliet being in true love or not is an important one as the entirety of the play written by William Shakespeare revolves around it. The lines within this play at first look make it seem as though they are in love, but upon a closer look, it reveals something much different. Romeo and Juliet are not truly in love based on Bradstreet’s definition of love. One requirement of true love is time to allow it to form, something that Romeo and Juliet ran out of. They also have a love based on physical attraction shown on Romeo’s side, something true love is not based upon. Since the relationship of Romeo and Juliet are based upon such concepts, it cannot be true love between them, but …show more content…

True love needing time to develop is also affirmed by Anne Bradstreet in her poem ‘’To My Dear and Loving Husband’’. Within the poem, Bradstreet says “while we live, in love let’s so persever / that when we live no more we may live ever”(11-12) demonstrates that their relationship was one that lasted throughout their entire life and into death, fulfilling the aspect of time for true love. This was something Romeo and Juliet were not able to complete as the both of them were not together nearly long enough to truly know one another. Before Romeo met Juliet he, declared that there was no one more beautiful than Rosaline then he met Juliet and said she had a “Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear”(Shakespeare 1.5.46) meaning that he thought of her the most beautiful woman on Earth. The difference between the two women besides the physical differences is that Juliet returned his affections while Rosaline has sworn off love. Romeo was almost instantly captivated by Juliet when he met and her and the same happened with Rosaline, but she did not reciprocate his feelings. Had Rosaline returned his feelings she could have been the one he married instead of

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