Minority Report Future

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50 Years from today
The movie Minority Report is set in the future, it is about being able to predict murders before they happen. They are predicted by people called pre-cogs. 50 years from now I predict the whole world will be run by technology, humans will not have to do anything for themselves. Cars will drive themselves, there will be robots to clean your house, and there will be ovens that can cook food perfectly in a minute or less. Minority report shows how technology could benefit, but also endanger society in the future.
In Minority report some technological advances are the videos are in 3D, The cars drive themselves which is much safer because then there will be no accidents, and to determine somebody's identity they have eye scanners, and you cannot go anywhere without having your eyes scanned. They also have pre-cogs who can predict murders before they happen. This is good because they can keep people from being killed, but this is bad because technically they are arresting innocent people because the murder has not been committed yet, and sometimes the pre-cogs predict different futures, this is called a minority report.
In 50 years the whole world will be taken over by technology. Some new inventions will be interactive tv shows, holographic cell phones, and cars that drive themselves. I think
John Anderton is depressed and takes drugs to cope with it. He is depressed because his son was stolen from him, and him and his wife got in a divorce because of it. The new technology also gets in the way of John getting over his son being abducted because he watches 3D videos of his son so it looks like his son is in the room. The happiness level is also very low in the rest of the city, everyone is constantly in fear of pre-crime, people are even getting their eyeballs removed to keep from getting caught, or being identified. The new technology has completely taken over society and life in the

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