Military Funeral Honors

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A Military funeral in the United States of America is an honoring or burial rite given by the United States Military for a Soldier, Marine, Sailor or Airman who died in battle, a veteran, or other prominent military figures. The rendering of Military Funeral Honors is a way to show the Nation’s deep gratitude to those who, in time of war or peace, have faithfully defended our country. There are numerous types of Military funerals which embrace and omit certain components depending on the prominence of the deceased. For most, standard honors will be the funeral that is chosen for them. Whether the service member served 35 years, or a short term contract, His or Her honors will be performed with the utmost respect. Performing the ceremonial duties falls upon a class of highly trained and highly motivated detachment. An Honor Guard unit is a ceremonial unit, usually military in nature and composed of active service members or veterans who are carefully selected for their physical ability and dexterity. Being attached to an Honor Guard unit is a greatly esteemed position. In these particular units, performing these duties takes practice and complete focus. All movements and actions are made in a deliberate, precise, and predictable manner. Honoring our fallen is a responsibility taken very serious. The service member’s …show more content…

He will stand at the position of attention with the salute rendered until the casket is completely removed from the Hurst. Awaiting the casket, the other members move into position to welcoming the fallen. Six people will act as pallbearers, carrying the casket to its final resting place. Each will be at a set position, according to stature of the person. They will place their hands on the casket in a set manner to lift and carry the casket. Once they lay rest the casket, they will move to an adjacent position set for further

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