Military Conquest Of Israel

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Joshua 1-11, 13:1 – This portion of the text introduces Joshua as a sort of “new Moses” in that he takes over the head leadership position of Israel. YHWH speaks to Joshua, assuring him that He will never forsake Israel and that they are to be “strong and courageous” in the face of the impending trials. Israel crosses the Jordan by a miracle of YHWH and all the men proceed to circumcise themselves in order to renew their covenant with YHWH and to display their membership in the collective group of His chosen people. From that moment on, the momentum rapidly develops into a swift military conquest of the land. Overall, Israel is overwhelmingly victorious because God is fighting alongside them, but there is one moment where the people of Israel cannot overcome Ai because a certain Israelite, Achan, disobeys God. Once he is killed for his offense, Israel continues conquer the land. …show more content…

When working with modern-day knowledge of archaeology and ancient written texts, the place and role of Israel in Joshua’s time is murky. Four different hypotheses have been proposed to explain how Israel eventually comes to inhabit the Promised Land: peaceful invasion, peasant revolution, military invasion, or ruralization of the indigenous people. Ngan “Teaching Outline on Joshua” – The book of Joshua is broken down and explained in sections by Dr. Ngan. A significant section of the book is dedicated to the military victories of Israel, but the rest of the book is much more complex and ominous in that it is unclear whether or not Israel will succeed in wholly obeying YHWH who they swear to

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