Midterm: Race And Ethnicity

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Midterm: (Q1) Identify your race and ethnicity. Explain the characteristics that distinguish one from the other. Which do you think has the greatest impact on your life? Why?
According to the text, race is defined as “a socially constructed category of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of society consider important.” (pg 340,para 5) This includes basically any physically biological trait on the body. I identify as a black or African American woman because I believe both can be used to one’s liking in a way. Identifying as black, in my opinion, includes that even as a descendent from Africa, I also acknowledge that I am a descendent from others. The same goes for identifying as an African American, I have roots from Africa but this term kind of contradicts itself because if someone from Africa receives a US citizenship then they would be considered African American. I, myself, have never seen or set foot on African soil so the term is used very loosely in my case but still somewhat identifiable. All of this is understandable due to race being “socially constructed” and continues to lump people into whatever category they see fit. (pg 340,para 8)
Ethnicity is …show more content…

According to the text, it is “a person or category of people who have little power who are often blamed from their own troubles usually minorities.” (pg 348, para 6) The Scapegoat Theory focuses on the frustration of those who basically need someone to place blame on when a situation does not go their way. The ability to make someone feel inferior to them brings solace. For example, there is a huge deal about Mexicans stealing jobs in the US. Many people blame them for not being able to get a job but Mexicans typically take the dirtiest jobs some people will not apply for and then are called lazy or illegal. So how is it their fault? They are used as scapegoats to make it seem like they are taking all the jobs so that’s why people are

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