Mid Term Break by Seumas Heaney

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Mid Term Break by Seumas Heaney

The title of the poem is deliberately deceptive because the phrase

'Mid Term Break' suggests a term-time holiday, which is normally a

happy occasion. In reality, the meaning of the title is considerably

less cheerful as, later in the poem, we learn that Heaney's younger

brother has died. Therefore, the word 'break' in the title refers to a

break in the family.

In the first stanza, we are immediately aware that there is tragedy

underlying the poem. The phrase "Counting bells knelling classes to a

close" signifies that there has perhaps been a death; bells 'knelling'

are often linked to funeral processions. Heaney has also used

alliteration in this line, which helps us to stir up some of the

unhappiness. Long vowel sounds such as ou, ell, ass, ose and 's' are

used to reflect the sound of bells, which give this stanza a slow,

pounding rhythm. Again, this could be to signify the somberness of the


Our suspicions of a death are confirmed in the second stanza, when the

narrator describes his father as having "always taken funerals in

their stride." In this instance though, the father's tears indicate

the passing of someone incredibly close to him - immediate family. The

third line, "Big Jim Evans saying it was a hard blow," tells us that

the death is a particularly tragic one, and one that will be difficult

to come to terms with.

We learn in stanza three that the narrator has a younger sibling and

how his or her reactions are in such stark contrast to the solemn

reality of the scene. "The baby cooed and laughed and rocked the

pram." In this line, we notice that there are no commas. Thi...

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middle-aged. The poem makes you want to treasure every day as it could

be your last. It also leads you to think of your life and how much you

value it very seriously, as it tells of a loss which was so unexpected

and tragic.

I really enjoyed reading this poem and studying the techniques Heaney

uses to make this poem so very moving. It is a deeply emotional poem

and I felt moved reading it. Heaney abstains from using dialogue, and

this sums up the typical situation perfectly. When people are hit by

something so sad and unexpected, they are struck dumb in their grief.

I feel that Heaney has made a truly exceptional job of making this

such a moving poem and showing very accurately the way people deal

with unforeseen tragedy. I found this poem fascinating to read and

would certainly recommend this poem to anyone.

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