Michele De Cuneo's Lies My Teacher Told Me

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The topic of Lies my Teacher Told Me is that it is based solely on the fact that history textbooks are wrapped around this fantasy that America is the greatest country in the world and that most respectable figures in American history are taken up to be these kind of raw heroes and the creators of awe-inspiring movements. For example, the voyage of Christopher Columbus to the New World, “American history books present Columbus pretty much without precedent, and they portray him as America’s first great hero”(Loewen 31). This quote displays how these history textbooks perceive Columbus as this kind of peppered American hero who discovered the New World. However, it does not fully comply to his whole state of being as a human, “The sources are perfectly clear about Columbus’ motivation: in 1495, for instance, Michele de Cuneo wrote about accompanying Columbus on his 1494 expedition into the interior of Haiti: “ After we had rested for several days in our settlement , it seemed to the Lord Admiral that it was time to put into execution his desire to search for gold, which was the main reason he had started on so great a voyage full of so many dangers”(Loewen 36). As we can see now, Columbus did not even have the intention of discovering a new world and yet they still pepper his name in American textbooks to be the founder of this supposed …show more content…

I know there is still elementary but I do not recall learning anything in that period of time. Anyway, this book of Lies my Teacher told Me has since led to the truth on many different subjects of American history in which has been candy-wrapped to fit the description that the government would like to give it. I can also connect to this novel to my current day life since I am a student in AP U.S. History and that this book has undergone many aspects to what we have learned and what we are going to

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