Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story

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“If we can find money to kill people, we can find the money to help people.” This quote stated by Tony Benn from the movie Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story explains that capitalism is hurting people by taking their homes and belongings, but there's a way to help. People who are in the lower class are trying to fight back because the government is stealing their money. Hard working mid to lower class people are having their homes, money, and even their jobs taken away because of the lack of money to pay for the high prices which leads to foreclosure. In Moore’s film he claims that Capitalism is a very evil thing, I agree because hard working lower class men and women are being deprived of their jobs, homes, and belongings, an that …show more content…

He claims that the government is taking the lower class’s money by evicting people of their homes. A scene from the Michael Moore's movie shows a family being evicted so the government can make money. The family and neighbors protest that it is wrong for the government to take the family's house, which lead them to be successful in where the police officers left the foreclosed house. This scene shows that the bank knew what they were doing wrong and so they let the lower class family keep the house. It serves to show that capitalism is very unfair and evil because innocent hardworking families are having their homes foreclosed mostly for the government to take their …show more content…

He goes around to the banks of america to take back the money stolen from the lower class. The security denies the fact that the bank did take their money which proves that capitalism is an evil thing and that the economy is unfair for caring mostly for the higher class than the lower class by stealing their money. The police officers force him out of the building for trespassing but who really is committing a

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