Mexican War For Independence Essay

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The Wars of Independence in the Americas were spurred on by a myriad of different grievances that the nations had with their mother country. One of these grievances, in specific, are political ones. In relation to the Mexican War for Independence political grievances played a large part in causing the war, with notable exceptions. These political issues were, land ownership, slavery and liberal reforms.

The issue of land ownership in Mexico was the basis of Father Miguel Hidalgo’s call to revolution in Mexico and a major political grievance at the time. On September 16th, 1810 he gave an appeal to his countrymen, “My children, will you be free? Will you make the effort to recover the lands stolen from your forefathers by the hated Spaniards 300 years ago”. This call to fight for “Independence and Liberty” in Mexico became known as “el Grito de Dolores”. This speech had rallied poor mestizos and Native Americans alike to fight for independence. The issue of land ownership during the Mexican war of …show more content…

Two leaders of the revolution, namely Jose Morelos and Miguel Hidalgo, had wanted to abolish slavery entirely in Mexico. The Mexican’s lack of freedom to make this choice, and govern themselves, was seen as a political oppression by Spain. However, the issue of slavery had much deeper roots than those involved with politics. Namely, the abolishment of slavery in Mexico would have had large social ramifications. The social hierarchy of Mexico would change when the laws outlawing slavery was put into effect. Some people in Mexico even outright opposed the abolition of slavery. In the HOTA book it is explained that the people of Mexico thought those policies would take away their power, in the social hierarchy. As such, even though the institution of slavery in Mexico was a political issue, it had much larger ramifications for Mexico’s societal

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