Mexica Research Paper

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The Aztecs were a very advanced race. A group called “Nahuatl” people moved to northern Mexico. This group built the twin cities of Tenochtitlan and Tlatclolco in the early 1500’s. At the time this empire was not termed “Aztec”, it was termed “Mexica.” The religion of the Mexicas gave them advantages over other groups in Central Mexico. The Mexicas conquered an abundance of cities in a short period of time. War came to be a way to honor the gods and acquire wealth. The Mexicas worshipped many gods and goddesses for different things. The temples, shrines, and altars were kept very clean due to the Mexicas thinking dirt was lead to disorder. The Mexica religion required constant warfare for two reasons; to meet the gods needs for human sacrifice, and to acquire warriors for the next phase of expansion.
The Mexicas wrote an abundance of books about their history, geography, and religious practices. Although they wrote all of this down, Spanish Conquerors destroyed almost all of it. The Mexicas did not have social distinctions. Most of the Mexicas were very poor, but by the sixteenth century the social standard changed. The Mexica chose their first king, Acamapichti, from the Toltec civilization. With this new king came along generals, judges, and …show more content…

This class was the working part of society, filled with ordinary citizens. The Maceualtin class made up most of the Mexica society. People who belonged to this class performed all sorts of agricultural, military, and domestic services. Army officers often called ordinary citizens to do military duty. The ordinary citizens considered this and honor and religious right other than it being a burden. Beneath the Meceualtin class were the Tlalmaitl. They were landless workers or serfs. This class provided agriculture labor and were bound to the land. Below this class were the slaves. These people were prisoners that was captured at

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