Methamphetamines Essay

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Methamphetamine’s (Meth) abuse has rapidly become a highly additive stimulant and has led to a serious problem in the US. Data collected in 2012 by the Nation Survey on Drugs and Health found that over 12 million people have tried meth at least once, that’s roughly 4.7 percent of the population.
Methamphetamines have been around for a while, it is not new but has just evolved because of more powerful manufacturing was first made in 1887 as amphetamine in Germany, but evolved into methamphetamine because it was simply easier to manufacture and more potent in 1919 in Japan. It was widely used in World War II, by both sides to keep troops awake. Kamikaze pilots were given high doses before missions. When the war ended to stored supplies became readily available to the Japanese’s public increasing the abuse to epic proportions.
In the early 1950s, methamphetamines were prescribed as an aide to fight depression, making it easy for access as a non-medical stimulant spreading the use further. The 1970s the U.S. government made it illegal causing motorcycle gangs the way of production and distribution throughout the States. By the 90s, Mexican cartels set up labs in California, generating sometimes up to 50 pounds of the substance in a single weekend. This led to smaller labs springing up across other areas in the States, Europe, and even …show more content…

Crystal meth also known as ice or glass, is the most commonly abused form of methamphetamine and is abused by either smoking, inhaling, snorting, injecting, and in some cases orally. It was commonly used a club drug. Its creates a false sense of happiness and well-being, a rush of confidence, hyperactiveness and energy. It can create a decreased appetite as well. The effects of the drug usually last about six to eight hours but sometimes up to twenty-four

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