Metallica Research Paper

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Although some people regard metal music as untalented noise and not real music, I happen to have a more open mind. I’ve never known love for another band like the love I feel for Metallica. The relationship I have with Metallica is not simply because I can jam to it while I drive my convertible in the summer. I do not only love Metallica for its music, I love it for its authenticity. Music is a revealing art form and Metallica represents having principles and goals, but struggling along the way. Standing steadfast and strong for morals, but giving into temptation, as we all do. Losing a loved one and mourning. Relapsing back into addiction. Letting loved ones down. Regret. Bitterness. Resentment. Life. Metallica represents life. …show more content…

I now suffer with frequent nightmares. This has been my reality for 7 years. To this day, if I wake up from a nightmare or cannot sleep, I play one of my favorite songs, “The Unforgiven III”. This song helps me to daydream and lets my mind drift off to sea, so to speak. The lyrics relate the troubles and pain of life to the sea, adventure, and gold. We seek the gold or life but never expect the unforgiving sea and storms of life to throw us off course. This song helps me to use my imagination and to distract from my nightmares so that, eventually, I can fall back asleep. I can imagine sailing and smelling the sea and seeing shiny gold. To me, this song means he was taking control of his life until he was “pulled off course by the light of golden treasure” (Metallica, 2008). Then he falls into a depression, “These days drift on inside a fog it’s thick and suffocating” (Metallica, 2008) and he becomes psychologically defeated by it. At night, I feel defeated by my past and wonder if there is any escape. Listening to the lyrics and rhythmic beat is a healing process for me. It’s a ritual in which I can temporarily let go and cry. I am alone and safe to feel. I do not have to struggle to relate to the feelings the lyrics are expressing because I have lived them. “After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music” (Huxley, n.d.). Metallica knows my life without even

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