Metacognitive Culminating Activity In 'The Great Gatsby'

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The Great Gatsby - Metacognitive Culminating Activity While watching the film, one scene that stuck out to me was when Daisy and Nick visit Gatsby’s home after reuniting for the first time. As they walk from Nick’s humble home to Gatsby’s mansion, the sun glistens through the tree and causes a lens flare effect. Furthermore, the sky had a purple tint to it, the clouds were clearing as it had just rained and the sun was still rising. All these elements combined create an atmosphere of hopefulness for the rekindled relationship between Gatsby and Daisy. During the proceeding scenes of all three enjoying the luxuries of Gatsby’s life such as an using an elaborate juicer and enjoying the lake. In addition, the song that plays in the background is a mid-tempo ballad and the scenes are vibrantly coloured. This is the director’s way of visually showing Gatsby’s love for Daisy. …show more content…

Daisy begins to sob because the shirts are so beautiful and Gatsby consoles her while Nick watches from afar. The scene is puzzling at first glance since there is no apparent reason for Daisy to cry. However, she cries because she is so materialistic that the sight of all these beautiful shirts overwhelm her to the point of tears. Also, the shirts represent all the freedoms and joys of lives that eluded her because she was persuaded to marry Tom instead of continuing to wait for

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