Mentors In The Alchemist

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In the novel, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, Santiago embarks on a journey to discover his personal legend. After having a dream about hidden treasure in the Egyptian Pyramids, he meets with a Gypsy to interpret his dream. He then meets an old king who gives him wisdom for his travels. On his journey, he will interact with many different mentors that will teach him many different things to help him improve. When he first gets to Africa, he gets robbed and ends up finding a job with a crystal merchant. There he learns things “like how to deal with crystals” (Coelho 58) and how to “speak their strange language” (Coelho 57). Santago's time with the crystal merchant taught him how to sell crystals to customers in order to make money and speak the …show more content…

During his travels, Santiago learns the most while he is in the Oasis; a neutral community in the desert tribal wars. While traveling through the Oasis, he is accompanied by a camel driver, an Englishman, and other Arab travelers. The camel driver taught Santiago to “pay attention to the present” (Coelho 106). Rather than focusing on the future, he taught Santiago to instead focus on improving your present self and your future will benefit from it. In addition, one of the most important mentors Santiago met on his journey was The Alchemist. He taught Santiago many things like how “the world has a soul” (Coelho 85). All things created in the universe, like the world, the desert, and the wind, have souls. By shadowing The Alchemist, Santiago discovered he has inside him ”everything created in the universe” (Coelho 151). This includes the desert, the wind, the ocean, and the stars because everyone is “made by the same hand” and everyone has “the same soul” (Coelho 151). Being with The Alchemist has enlightened Santiago and his way of thinking, and ultimately improved him as a whole. The book ended with Santiago returning to the church with the sycamore tree growing out of

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