Santiago's Obstacles In 'The Alchemist'

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The Alchemist “ when life gives you lemons , make lemonade “ - unknown . This quote describes Santiago , since he goes through many obstacles , but always grows from them. Some of the obstacles santiago faces are love related ones . When he runs into them , he learns to work with them , and the obstacles he faces help him learn how to be independent and work towards his goal , and it shows him what he might have to sacrifice to reach his goal . When santiago was on his journey to find his personal legend , he ran into many obstacles about love. The first love obstacle santiago faces in the alchemist is when he has to leave everything and everyone he loves. He leaves behind the merchant's daughter, his parents , and his flock of sheep . “Whenever he could, he sought out a new road to travel” Santiago loved many people and things in his home town. He wanted to find his personal legend , so after he convinced his father this is the road he has chosen to take , Santiago begins his journey to find his personal legend. …show more content…

Santiago meets her near the end of his journey , and she decides to let him go so he can pursue his dream , to find his personal legend. "That's why I want you to continue toward your goal. If you have to wait until the war is over, then wait. But if you have to go before then, go on in pursuit of your dream. The dunes are changed by the wind, but the desert never changes. That's the way it will be with our love for each other.” This is what Fatima said to Santiago when she told him to go. Santiago decided it was right for him to leave her aswell , since he has to sacrifice almost everything to find his personal legend

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