Mental Illness In Schools Essay

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In recent studies , mental illness in school age children had increased by 30% in the past 40 years. This can affect their educational outcome from elementary school through high school, and can carry on to their college education. Or even if they do not pursue education after high school, this can affect their possibilities of getting a good paying job. Given the statistics gathered within recent studies mental illness has a major impact on education in general. So does this mean children with a metal illness will not do well in school or have the chance to get a proper education? When I was looking at recent studies I came across one that grabbed my attention stating about younger children and their mental illness in school. The study sample …show more content…

While a lot of efforts have been made to develop an “evidence-based interventions to improve employment outcomes for people with mental ill health”, a lot less is known about the best ways to enable people with mental illness to successfully return to pursue their further education. Supported education (SEd) is “designed to secure pathways and reengagement in education”– this is geared to improve the educational and employment futures of people living with mental illness. In general, SEd programs have also adopted a “Choose-Get-Keep” approach in which students are supposed to choose an educational direction that they wish to seek. However, SEd also developed from the ground up through coalitions of consumers, clinicians, education providers, and other community members. Consequently, they tend to have differing sets of features developed to for a specific local circumstance. For example, SEd programs may include: courses designed and tailored specifically for people with mental illness returning to learning; provision of personal supports within and outside mainstream classroom settings; access to study skills support, vocational, and financial counseling; and linkage between education and mental health

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