Mens Rea

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Define these elements of a crime: Actus Rea, Mens Rea, Causation and Punishment.

Actus Rea: Is a Latin term which refers to criminal conduct which is intentional or criminally negligent or reckless in action or inaction that causes harm. An example of this is could be a person who takes medication that causes them to be drowsy. The person goes for a drive and hits a pedestrian. The driver was consciously aware that falling asleep may occur and still drove anyway injuring the pedestrian. The driver is liable for harm. Mens Rea: Latin for criminal intent or having a guilty state of mind when committing the act. Terms of Mens Rea would be words like “knowingly” or “willfully”. An example of this is a person could be a disgruntled employee who was fired, The employee comes back and firebombs the building while employees are working. He willfully came back with intent to do harm to those inside. …show more content…

An example of this could be that you let an insurance man in to sell you services. He legitimately sells you services. The man asks to use your bathroom, he happens to see your diamond ring on your bathroom sink. He steals your jewelry. He legally entered your home but is liable for theft.
Causation: The act must have been the cause of the harm expressed in the crime (injury). In criminal law, the actus rea “an action” which the specific injury or effect is combined with mens rea “state of mind” to comprise the elements of guilt. An example of this is a person speeding in a work zone striking and injuring several workers. The person has caused an effect which is

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