Mencius's The Synthesis Of Song Neo-Confucianism

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Mencius, a Chinese philosopher, is one of the great figures who played a crucial role in developing Buddhism as well as various philosophical cultures. He was born in 371 BC and died in 289 BC. He developed the theory of Confucianism in relation to human nature, earning him the title of Second Sage. He recorded all his philosophical sayings and acts in the book Mencius. Till date, philosophers still hold debates regarding Confucianism, as it is a hot topic of discussion. In another book, The Synthesis of Song Neo-Confucianism in Zhu Xi, philosophers attempt to discuss various theories of Confucianism. However, this book attempts to relate the school of thought to the modern times so that most of the readers are able to familiarize well with …show more content…

Nonetheless, he argues that the materials force has taken over the humanity race to such lengths that humans have forgotten their own purpose in life. He states that human being have entirely shifted their focus to materialistic things as they find a greater short term satisfaction (Mencius. et al p.117). If people were able to view the greater scoop of life, materialistic stuff will not make much sense to them. He elaborates the power of material force from King Wen’s story on building his tower. The king had placed too much emphasis on constructing a perfect tower such that he began neglecting his sole duty. He is worried by the fact that human beings are not able to understand the full meaning of their lives as they are blinded by the material forces of the world.
Mencius refers to this tower as the spirit tower as it had the power to make people as well as animals happy. However, he states that as much as people delighted in its presence, it was not worth it (Mencius. et al p.117). At the end of the day, people will still have their problems which they ought to face in order to live fulfilling lives. The tower gave them temporary happiness such that they would forget to work on their lives. They would bring their lives to a halt just for temporary

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