Memory: The Process Of Memory

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Memory is the process of encoding, storing, retaining and successively recalling information and past experiences. Memory is a part of our everyday lives. It helps us to use our past experiences as pathways for future actions. The region of the brain that deals with memory is the hippocampus which is situated in the temporal lobe of the brain region.

The first step in memory process is to get information from the environment with the help of our senses. Without them we would not be able to be able to form a memory.
Once our senses have received this information, the following process of storing memory begins:

Encoding: This stage is where all the information received is collected and converted for storage. The received information is processed in three different forms: Visual, …show more content…

II. Visuospatial Loop: This stores and processes information in visual and spatial form.

Long-Term Memory


a. Sematic: this refers to that part of long term memory that remembers facts like the names of cities,and other factual information.
b. Episodic: this refers to that part of long term memory that relates to all the events that take place in one life.


a. Procedural: this involves memory of how to do things (motor skills) for e.g., walking, riding a bike, etc.
b. Priming: this implicit memory involving exposure to a stimulus which later influences a response to a later stimulus.
c. Conditioning: where a neutral stimulus when paired with another stimulus repeatedly provides a learning process.
d. Nonassociative: Nonassociative learning is a perpetual change in the strength of the reaction to a stimulus because of repeated exposure to the same stimuli.
• Habituation: when there is a reduced strength in a response to a stimuli.
• Sensitization: when there is an increased strength in a response to a

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